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  • 2023-11-16
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The training was for 25 drillers and assistant drillers, and comprised of a classroom day, followed by two days in the field. Participants (all men so far) were asked why there are no women drillers. The man’s world of drilling (stamina needed) was talked about, and the women’s world of fetching water (stamina needed) too. The discussion was engaging and together reflected on the role of women and men in society and the home. For my side I felt proud to be one of the few women involved in drilling and talked about the two manual companies that have heard about in Zambia which are run by women. On the spot, I really wished that there were many more of us….

The training commences. The course is a collaboration between the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) Water Resources Institute (WRI) and the Uganda Drilling Contractors Association (UDCA). The Chair of the Association, Dr Flavio Pasqualato from Draco (U) Ltd., gives a his opening words of encouragement, followed by the Managing Director, Anthony Luutu of Aquatech Ltd. I am invited to say a few words, and express my delight at seeing training of drillers that I wish was happening on a regular basis in ALL countries on the African continent and beyond.

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